“Veeam Explores Options to Support Proxmox as a VMware Alternative – The Register.”

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Exclusive: Veeam Preparing for Potential Release of VMware Alternative Proxmox

In a surprising move, backup software vendor Veeam has revealed that they are currently researching and prototyping a solution for the popular virtualization tool, Proxmox. This has sparked speculation that Veeam may be developing a standalone product to protect data created with Proxmox.

The announcement came from Veeam’s senior vice president for product management, Anton Gostev, on January 11. He stated that they are exploring the capabilities of Proxmox for backup purposes. Fabian Kessler, another product manager at Veeam, confirmed this effort in a post last week.

This news follows the recent “Broadcom/VMware debacle,” in which Veeam users expressed frustration over Broadcom’s actions, including price increases and disqualification of certain VMware partners. As the discussion progressed on Veeam’s forums, Gostev offered advice and shared the news of Veeam’s potential interest in Proxmox.

According to Gostev, having access to complementary tools is crucial for the success of any product. With this in mind, the fact that Veeam is considering Proxmox as an alternative to VMware makes it a viable option for users. This could also lead to more organizations seeking alternative server virtualization solutions, which may affect Broadcom’s plans to increase profits from VMware.

It remains to be seen if Veeam will actually release a product for Proxmox, but their interest in this alternative is certainly intriguing. Only time will tell if this is the beginning of a new era in the world of virtualization. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiRGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRoZXJlZ2lzdGVyLmNvbS8yMDI0LzAxLzIyL3ZlZWFtX3Byb3htb3hfb3JhY2xlX3N1cHBvcnQv0gEA?oc=5

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